06/06/14 New York Times Opinion I was promised flying cars For all the power of modern science, we are masters of only one of these forces: electromagnetism.
06/06/14 LHCb glimpses possible sign of new physics A result presented at the LHC Physics conference in New York could show a crack in the Standard Model.
06/04/14 Phys.org No evidence of the double nature of neutrinos The EXO experiment has found no evidence of neutrinoless double-beta decay.
06/04/14 MINOS result narrows field for sterile neutrinos Data collected at the long-running MINOS experiment stacks evidence against the existence of these theoretical particles.
Small science and the future of particle physics 01/07/25 R.M. Davis A proposed funding program for small- and medium-scale projects reveals insights into the science, logistical challenges, and future of particle physics research.