07/08/14 Ars Technica The quiet search for dark matter deep underground Though still young, LUX has already set many standards for hunting for dark matter particles.
07/03/14 BBC Cosmic inflation: BICEP2 and Planck to share data Scientists on rival projects are in discussion about working together.
07/01/14 Motherboard Could antigravity explain away dark matter and dark energy? Researchers in Italy propose a method to gather evidence for a new cosmological model.
07/01/14 Live Science 'Revolutionary' physics: Do sterile neutrinos lurk in the universe? A detector set to turn on later this year could find the first convincing evidence.
Inside the search for dark matter 12/17/24 Ali Sundermier About 30 years ago an "ideas guy" and a team builder joined forces to search for the invisible bulk of existence.