09/25/23 CERN ATLAS measures strength of the strong force with record precision The result showcases the power of the LHC to push the precision frontier and improve our understanding of nature.
09/25/23 Argonne What is quantum squeezing? The quantum squeezing technique brings greater precision to time-keeping and astronomy.
09/21/23 Interactions Join the world’s laboratories to celebrate the global search for dark matter Dark Matter Day, an international event, aims to shed light on the mystery of dark matter through a series of events held on and around Halloween.
09/15/23 ScienceNews Scientists have two ways to spot gravitational waves. Here are some other ideas To see all the gravitational waves the cosmos offers, scientists are thinking big—and small.
Explain it in 60 seconds: High-Luminosity LHC 02/26/25 Sarah Charley The upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider will allow scientists to better study known phenomena and to search for new ones.
09/22/20 Nature through the looking glass Handedness—and the related concept of chirality—are double-sided ways of understanding how matter breaks symmetries.
09/17/20 Parking the LHC proton train Particle accelerators like the LHC require intricate beam dump systems to safely dispose of high-energy particles after each run.
09/15/20 The neutrino painter In this stop-motion video, Symmetry writer Zack Savitsky imagines an artist whose supplies have taken on some of the properties of neutrinos.
09/10/20 A robot ballet Humans and robots work together in a carefully choreographed dance for the Mu2e experiment.
09/01/20 How big is a neutron star? Astrophysicists are combining multiple methods to reveal the secrets of some of the weirdest objects in the universe.
08/25/20 A bit of MAGIC The MAGIC telescope’s first observation of a gamma-ray burst gave astronomers surprising new insight into the phenomenon.
08/18/20 Long-lived particles get their moment Scientists on experiments at the LHC are redesigning their methods and building supplemental detectors to look for new particles that might be evading them.
08/11/20 Physics in a second language Three physicists share their experiences learning and communicating physics in a foreign language: English.