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Explain it in 60 Seconds: Lattice QCD


Lattice gauge theory, or lattice QCD, is a calculation method that helps scientists make predictions about the behavior of quarks at low energies.


Parking the LHC proton train

Particle accelerators like the LHC require intricate beam dump systems to safely dispose of high-energy particles after each run.


The neutrino painter

In this stop-motion video, Symmetry writer Zack Savitsky imagines an artist whose supplies have taken on some of the properties of neutrinos.


A robot ballet

Humans and robots work together in a carefully choreographed dance for the Mu2e experiment.


How big is a neutron star?

Astrophysicists are combining multiple methods to reveal the secrets of some of the weirdest objects in the universe.


A bit of MAGIC

The MAGIC telescope’s first observation of a gamma-ray burst gave astronomers surprising new insight into the phenomenon.


Long-lived particles get their moment

Scientists on experiments at the LHC are redesigning their methods and building supplemental detectors to look for new particles that might be evading them.