11/30/23 Science Bold ideas, daunting challenges Grace in All Simplicity traces the triumphs and missteps of quantum, nuclear and particle physics.
11/23/23 Nature The most powerful cosmic ray since the Oh-My-God particle puzzles scientists Scientists spotted a particle of intense energy, but explaining where it came from might require some new physics.
11/16/23 MIT Technology Review The biggest questions: Why is the universe so complex and beautiful? For some reason the universe is full of stars, galaxies, and life. But it didn’t have to be this way.
11/15/23 Scientific American The most shocking discovery in astrophysics is 25 years old A quarter of a century after detecting dark energy, scientists are still trying to figure out what it is.
Explain it in 60 seconds: High-Luminosity LHC 02/26/25 Sarah Charley The upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider will allow scientists to better study known phenomena and to search for new ones.
03/29/21 The data wranglers A degree in particle physics or astrophysics can lead to a career in data science.
03/23/21 Has the black hole information paradox evaporated? Researchers make progress on a vexing problem about how black holes evolve.
03/16/21 Six fabulous facts about the Standard Model Learn about the Standard Model of particle physics and how physicists use it to predict the (subatomic) future.
03/09/21 Pierre Auger shares 10% of data The observatory has made detailed information about an initial selection of its recorded cosmic-ray events available for outside scientists to use.
03/09/21 A Fermilab family legacy Steve Tammes’ love of physics began with his grandfather’s tales about Fermilab.
03/02/21 How English became the language of physics Today, more than 90% of the indexed articles in the natural sciences are published in English. That wasn’t always the case.
02/25/21 Searching for Higgs boson twins Higgs-boson pairs could help scientists understand the stability of our universe. The trick is finding them.
02/23/21 Five DIY physics demos Missing visits to the museum? Or in need of some home-school activities? Check out these five do-it-yourself physics demos!