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Extreme neutrinos

Searching for the secrets of the universe in the depths of the earth.


Cigarette Lighter

Some might think it strange that data taken from the Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment, a kilometer-wide neutrino detection system buried in South Pole ice sheets, is analyzed with the help of a cigarette lighter.


Families of the world

Scientists and their families are finding they must adapt to the increasingly international nature of particle physics. The effects on family life go far beyond jet lag and it's up to individuals to navigate the foreign terrain.


Typing rain

The assembled group of SLAC users hushed as Gabriella Sciolla rose to open the SLAC Users Organization annual meeting. And with that quiet came the rain.



Gammasphere is a $20 million detector array that helps answer fundamental questions about the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei.


The universe (in fireworks)

In its 50th anniversary year, CERN had the honor of opening the 2004 Geneva Festival (Fêtes de Genève).