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Fine-tune this

Quick, what's 987654321 divided by 123456789? The answer is close to 8, but not exactly 8. Why does the result differ by about a tenth of a million, yielding 8.0000000729...?


Dawn Meson: Orders of magnitude

From cave paintings of bison to Monet landscapes, artists have studied and interpreted the natural world. Dawn Neal Meson, a San Francisco artist, has taken this theme one level further, or, rather, many orders of magnitude smaller.


Visa quest

Russian physicist Nikolay Solyak has been a Fermilab employee since 1999. When he left the United States in September 2003, a short trip abroad turned into a four-month odyssey, separating him from his work and family in the United States. His documents tell the story.



Can a recycled synchrotron become an oasis of peace in the Middle East?


Tau lepton

The discovery of an elementary particle that looked a lot like the electron, but had 3500 times its mass stunned most particle physicists three decades ago.