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Data by the boxload

How many CDs are in the box? "100," a child guessed. "1000," said another. The answer was 2000, the equivalent of just 0.1 percent of the database capabilities at SLAC. "Imagine 2 million CDs in your bedroom."



Maori lore says that the rising and falling of the water level in Lake Wakatipu every 51 minutes is due to the breathing of the giant sleeping beneath.


Tau lepton

The discovery of an elementary particle that looked a lot like the electron, but had 3500 times its mass stunned most particle physicists three decades ago.


Typing rain

The assembled group of SLAC users hushed as Gabriella Sciolla rose to open the SLAC Users Organization annual meeting. And with that quiet came the rain.



Gammasphere is a $20 million detector array that helps answer fundamental questions about the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei.


Anyes Taffard: Fisikari. Physicienne. Physicist.

When her Basque grandmother—Amatxi—taught five-year-old Anyes Taffard the language of her ancestors, she overlooked the Basque term for physicist: fisikari. But by the time she was 12, Taffard was already drawn to mathematics and science.