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Smart scarecrow

"See, that's Albert Einstein!" / "Huh?" was the most common response from caramel-apple-wielding pre-school kids to their parents.


The growth of inflation

Twenty-five years after Alan Guth turned cosmology on its head, what’s the latest story of the universe’s first moments?


Virtual cake

Celebrating anniversaries of global organizations presents unique challenges and asks for creative solutions.


Sold on cold

Particle physics has chosen low-temperature superconducting technology for the International Linear Collider. What is "cold," and why have particle physicists lowered the temperature on a new accelerator?


Data by the boxload

How many CDs are in the box? "100," a child guessed. "1000," said another. The answer was 2000, the equivalent of just 0.1 percent of the database capabilities at SLAC. "Imagine 2 million CDs in your bedroom."



Maori lore says that the rising and falling of the water level in Lake Wakatipu every 51 minutes is due to the breathing of the giant sleeping beneath.