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Explain it in 60 Seconds: Lattice QCD


Lattice gauge theory, or lattice QCD, is a calculation method that helps scientists make predictions about the behavior of quarks at low energies.


The search for the sterile neutrino

Back when it was theorized, scientists weren’t sure they would ever detect the neutrino; now they’re searching for a version of the particle that could be even more elusive.


How to be human in physics

Four physicists share their experiences dealing with major setbacks, trauma, mental health issues and toxic work environments.


Blink and it’s gone

Fast electronics and artificial intelligence are helping physicists capture data and decide what to keep and what to throw away.


The odd(eron) couple

Scientists discovered a new particle by comparing data recorded at the LHC and the Tevatron.


What is a photon?

The fundamental particle of light is both ordinary and full of surprises.