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Virtual structure

As the newly-appointed Director of the Global Design Effort (GDE) for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC), Barry Barish will lead teams of scientists worldwide in the research and development projects advancing the design of the next-generation discovery machine in high-energy physic


Distant quasar

On the night of April 27, 2002, the Apache Point 3.5 m telescope in New Mexico captured the light signature of SDSS 1148+5251, the most distant quasar known. A quasar is a compact, ultraluminous object thought to be powered by material falling into a giant black hole.


Einstein bear

In honor of the World Year of Physics, symmetry featured an Albert Einstein teddy bear on the cover of the February issue. Since then, we have received a steady stream of phone calls and email.


Fermilab's "CMS branch office"

The CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland, and the new CMS offices at Fermilab are separated only by the amount of time it takes light to travel between the two places.


What's in the box?

In January 2000, Tom Jordan had just finished up a conference in San Diego, where he had presented one of the new cosmic ray detectors to QuarkNet teachers.


3.4 degrees of John Ellis

How is John Ellis, physicist at CERN, similar to Rod Steiger, actor from such films as On the Waterfront and The Pawnbroker?