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Postcards from the terascale

In February, the Department of Energy's Office of Science and the National Science Foundation asked the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel "to form a committee to write a document" that addresses the synergies and complementarities of the Large Hadron Collider, now under constructi


Collisions galore

In May, Fermilab accelerator experts began to speculate about when the Tevatron collider would hit the inverse femtobarn mark, a measure of the gazillions of collisions produced since March 2001.


Global ILC efforts

Designing the International Linear Collider is a global enterprise. Physicists and accelerator experts from around the world are collaborating to design the approximately 25-mile-long machine.


Researching the ILC

Research papers are traditionally written about data gathered in an experiment. However, research papers are also published before an experiment has even begun, and the International Linear Collider is an example.


Extra dimensions

Extra dimensions sound like science fiction, but they could be part of the real world.


No little plans

In his vision for Fermilab's future, director Pier Oddone offers insight from a bumper sticker: "If you want to predict the future, help create it."


Collider detector

To understand the subatomic processes unfolding at the center of powerful particle collisions, scientists design and build huge, massive detectors.