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Bottom quark

This memo by John Yoh, written on November 17, 1976, certainly caught the attention of the Columbia-Fermilab-Stony Brook collaboration (Fermilab experiment E288).


War and peace

Public participation is a critical issue for planners of the proposed International Linear Collider. The recent Snowmass conference included a daylong session titled, "Workshop on Public Participation in the ILC," sponsored by the US Linear Collider Communication Committee.


The power of pi

Believe it or not, most of Fermilab's power comes from pi. Electrical power, that is, as the shape of the lab's power poles is modeled after pi, the symbol for the famous number.


Jan-Henrik Andersen: Visual language

Few facets of nature are more mysterious than the quantum world. Particles that appear and disappear from nothing, interactions governed by probability, and intrinsic uncertainties are enough to baffle even the most experienced scientist.



He boldly pressed the red button and said, "They promised to explain to me afterwards what I am doing here exactly."


Fermilab goes eBay

In need of a computer monitor? How about a forklift? Or maybe a sousaphone? If you are working for the US federal government or an approved agency, all this and more is available to your organization—for merely the cost of shipping a few boxes or a crate.


It's not just Charlotte's Web

The amazing properties of spider webs have fascinated scientists for years. Some of the mysteries of the spider's thread (such as the radii and spirals of threads produced by the Nephila pilips spider shown above) are unraveling through the use of synchrotron light sources.


Snowmass 2005: Toward an International Linear Collider

Nearly 700 physicists from around the world met in Snowmass, Colorado, to advance plans to create an International Linear Collider, a next generation machine that would answer the most fundamental questions about the universe.