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Tevatron record

The Tevatron accelerator at Fermilab set a world record on Sunday afternoon, July 3, 1983, achieving a beam energy of 512 billion electronvolts (GeV). Accelerator operators had made the first-ever attempt at accelerating a beam in the Tevatron at 3:12 a.m. that day, reaching 250 GeV.


Light sources

Light sources are accelerator-based machines used for research in fields from physics and chemistry to medicine and forensics.


PEP-II interaction region

The Stanford Linear Accelerator pumps large amounts of energy into beams of electrons and positrons, sending them into the PEP-II storage ring where the particles can collide, revealing the secrets of fundamental particle processes.


Forget Albert

Quick, give an example of a first name of a physicist. Albert? Benjamin? Sure, Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin are famous examples. But their first names are rather unusual.


Engineering feats

Sometimes it takes the most impressive equipment in the world to find the smallest, most easily overlooked particles in the universe. Fermilab's Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) project is a perfect example.


Signs of the times

Small whiteboards, hung on office doors, and ubiquitous bicycle helmets are signposts for the interactive, fluid nature of current endeavors at SLAC.


The Ziploc purse

During a recent trip to CERN on the Franco-Swiss border, my fellow International Linear Collider communicators and I gathered in the cafeteria for tea and coffee.


Ben Rusholme: At the South Pole

Astronomer Ben Rusholme from Stanford University spent four months out of the last two years working on the QUAD telescope at the South Pole.