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A winning map

The Fundamental Physics Prize recognizes WMAP’s contributions to precision cosmology.


30-ton foot

Pakistan does not have a long history of domestic particle physics experiments, but the country is nevertheless finding ways to contribute to international efforts.


Asian committee for future accelerators

Few parts of the world would relish a revisiting of conditions from nearly 200 years ago. For Asia, approximating the past could be the key to the future.


U-Ser Jeng: Cycling and beamlines

U-Ser Jeng begins almost every morning with a refreshing 40-minute bike ride, meandering through a mountain road surrounded by the sound of birds singing.


Standard Model

The Standard Model is the best theory that physicists currently have to describe the building blocks of the universe.


Tevatron record

The Tevatron accelerator at Fermilab set a world record on Sunday afternoon, July 3, 1983, achieving a beam energy of 512 billion electronvolts (GeV). Accelerator operators had made the first-ever attempt at accelerating a beam in the Tevatron at 3:12 a.m. that day, reaching 250 GeV.


24/7: Labs that never sleep

Here they measure the time not in minutes or hours. Instead they think in terms of how many antiprotons are ready to stack and how soon the Tevatron will be ready to accept new beam. Or how fast they need to fix something, any time of the day or night. Or how long they can stay awake.


Aerial photos of SLAC

Most people like to keep their hobbies and work separate. But not Steve Williams.


ILC industrialization

ILC-by-the-numbers shows the critical need for a global partnership between industry and science.