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A winning map

The Fundamental Physics Prize recognizes WMAP’s contributions to precision cosmology.


Particle physics takes flight

Welcome to SLAC's End Station B, where work on the International Linear Collider (ILC) will help shape the future of particle physics–although some inhabitants don't seem to give a hoot.


K2Ks first neutrinos

The neutrino experiment K2K (KEK to Kamioka) collaboration shares a logbook with Super-Kamiokande scientists at its far detector site 250 kilometers from KEK in Tsukuba.


e-Lab outreach in Bangalore

Armed with tin foil, GPS units, and sheets of black paper, two Fermilab educators headed to Bangalore to help high-school and college teachers set up a detector at a local planetarium.


Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron fits into the larger Australian and international research programs. Newly established e-Research Centres will link to the AS as part of the national data grid, allowing for remote collaboration and operation of the facility.


A special day in Illinois

Valentine's Day. Thanksgiving Day. Secretary's Day. The United States celebrates and honors lots of events and people.


30-ton foot

Pakistan does not have a long history of domestic particle physics experiments, but the country is nevertheless finding ways to contribute to international efforts.


Asian committee for future accelerators

Few parts of the world would relish a revisiting of conditions from nearly 200 years ago. For Asia, approximating the past could be the key to the future.