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A winning map

The Fundamental Physics Prize recognizes WMAP’s contributions to precision cosmology.


K2Ks first neutrinos

The neutrino experiment K2K (KEK to Kamioka) collaboration shares a logbook with Super-Kamiokande scientists at its far detector site 250 kilometers from KEK in Tsukuba.


e-Lab outreach in Bangalore

Armed with tin foil, GPS units, and sheets of black paper, two Fermilab educators headed to Bangalore to help high-school and college teachers set up a detector at a local planetarium.


Standard Model

The Standard Model is the best theory that physicists currently have to describe the building blocks of the universe.


U-Ser Jeng: Cycling and beamlines

U-Ser Jeng begins almost every morning with a refreshing 40-minute bike ride, meandering through a mountain road surrounded by the sound of birds singing.


Asian committee for future accelerators

Few parts of the world would relish a revisiting of conditions from nearly 200 years ago. For Asia, approximating the past could be the key to the future.


A special day in Illinois

Valentine's Day. Thanksgiving Day. Secretary's Day. The United States celebrates and honors lots of events and people.


KEK's ambitious future

Japan's high-energy physics laboratory KEK is undergoing a transition as it expands its science program with upgraded and new facilities.