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Nobel banners restored at Berkeley Lab

Street banners honoring nine of Berkeley Lab's Nobel Prize winners, originally installed along Telegraph Avenue in 2003, have been mounted on poles on Cyclotron Road leading to Berkeley Lab in honor of its 75th anniversary.


A report like no other

Can the unique EPP2010 panel steer US particle physics away from its looming crisis? Physicists and policy makers are depending on it.


K2Ks first neutrinos

The neutrino experiment K2K (KEK to Kamioka) collaboration shares a logbook with Super-Kamiokande scientists at its far detector site 250 kilometers from KEK in Tsukuba.


A special day in Illinois

Valentine's Day. Thanksgiving Day. Secretary's Day. The United States celebrates and honors lots of events and people.


30-ton foot

Pakistan does not have a long history of domestic particle physics experiments, but the country is nevertheless finding ways to contribute to international efforts.


Asian committee for future accelerators

Few parts of the world would relish a revisiting of conditions from nearly 200 years ago. For Asia, approximating the past could be the key to the future.


Standard Model

The Standard Model is the best theory that physicists currently have to describe the building blocks of the universe.


U-Ser Jeng: Cycling and beamlines

U-Ser Jeng begins almost every morning with a refreshing 40-minute bike ride, meandering through a mountain road surrounded by the sound of birds singing.