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First thoughts of the LHC

At the CERN Scientific Policy Committee meeting held on June 18-19, 1979, the construction of LEP, the Large Electron-Positron collider, was on the agenda.


Higgs boson

The discovery of the Higgs boson provided insight into what gives elementary particles mass.


Magnet Jessica

What do an 18-month-old baby and a 19-foot-long superconducting magnet have in common?


CERN cafeteria

Walk into the main CERN cafeteria at various times of the day and you'll find different scenes: scientists discussing results over coffee; a parent coaxing his children to finish lunch before swooping them back to the nursery school on site; groups of grad students soaking up the sun on the


Computing grid is racing the clock

To deal with the computing demands of the LHC experiments, scientists have created the world's largest, most international distributed-computing system.


LHC papers

The Large Hadron Collider, to start up in late 2007, traces its inception back to 1979. There are already more than 4000 papers in the SPIRES database that are about the LHC, either mentioning its name in the title or referring to it in a significant way.


Looking for leptons in all the right places

In a typical high school physics textbook, says scienceeducation specialist Beth Marchant, only the last chapter is devoted to all the developments since 1900–the stuff that physicists are actually working on today.


Monitoring the LHC from across the ocean

When the LHC collider and its experiments are being switched on in 2007, scientists around the world will be eager to monitor the start-up in real time. But physicists won't have to be at the LHC site to monitor the hardware they built or to determine what tuning they need to do.