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Zoo events

When physicists at Fermilab smash particles together, most of what comes out of the collisions is well understood. But every once in awhile strange things appear in the data—incidents popularly known as zoo events.


The pentaquark rush

In 2003, results published by three experimental collaborations initiated a flood of papers about a class of particles known as pentaquarks.


X-ray lasers

X-ray lasers will be the next generation of light source.


Brookhaven highlights unity

Flags, arts and crafts from different nations, and a warm welcome transformed the DOE Brookhaven Site Office's Second Annual Unity Day into a celebration of people and cultures working together.


Particle Jeopardy

Next time you watch the Jeopardy quiz show on TV, don't be surprised if you learn about a particle physics experiment at Fermilab.


Making science "K'nex"tions

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center librarian Lesley Wolf needed a creative idea for the next library display. Ten-year-old Connor Reed had lots of free time this summer and an extensive set of K'nex, the flexible equivalent of Lego.


Shop-vacs to the rescue

In creating neutrinos for the MINOS experiment at Fermilab, the NuMI focusing horn delivers batches of protons using intense magnetic fields generated by 200,000-ampere pulses of electric current.


New life for a linac

How the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center is transforming the world's longest linear accelerator into a novel X-ray laser.