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Universal accord

Take one part unidentified goop. Add three parts mysterious energy. Throw in a dash of ordinary atoms. Mix. Compress. Explode. Let expand for 13.7 billion years.


Dark matter

Dark matter seems to be abundant in the universe but has yet to be directly detected.


Expert “hackers” challenge students

Tim Rupp and Joe Klemencic, two of Fermilab’s computer security wizards, posed as the bad guys to offer a challenge in the Indiana state-wide college cyber defense competition held at Indiana Tech.


Accelerator at the fair

Science fair season is here, so we at symmetry were not surprised when 12-year-old Austin Ellsworth of Spring, Texas, called with a few questions about his science fair project.


KATRIN’s odyssey

People went to great lengths, traveling almost 9000 kilometers over more than 60 days, to deliver an essential, 200-ton component of the KATRIN neutrino experiment.


Name of fame

Counting the number of citations of a particular paper is one way to measure its impact and importance. But it is by no means the only gauge.


Single top production

In 1985, ten years before scientists at Fermilab discovered the top quark, Scott Willenbrock was a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin.