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Ben Laposky: Visual music

A boxy cathode-ray oscilloscope, covered with buttons and knobs and meters and lights, looks like something you know you shouldn'’t touch.


Life service

Somebody who's racked up thousands of hours of community service has either been very bad or very good. SLAC carpenter Michael Hughes has been very, very good.


The hottest citation

The article at the top of the spires lists of the most-cited articles in high-energy physics is, as always, the Review of Particle Physics (RPP), a compendium of experimental data and reviews put out by the Particle Data Group.


Neutrino invention

Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a neutral, light-weight particle that could save the fundamental law of the conservation of energy.


Name of fame

Counting the number of citations of a particular paper is one way to measure its impact and importance. But it is by no means the only gauge.


Star Wars lands at Fermilab

Fermilab physicist Darren Crawford shares a birthdate, May 25, with the first Star Wars movie release. Now he is making his own mark on the fabled sci-fi fantasy series.


“Soup, salad, or Higgs?”

A snowstorm hit the Chicago area on February 13, before the start of the DOE/NSF agency review at Fermilab of the US ATLAS and US CMS collaborations, the US contributions to two of the Large Hadron Collider experiments.