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Masters of improv

World-class detective Angus MacGyver of the hit 1980s television show MacGyver could jury-rig almost anything with duct tape and a pocket knife.


A quest for balance in Canada

Canadian subatomic physics has a lot going for it: sparkling new hardware, an influx of bright young minds, and key roles in international projects. But only by doubling its operating budget can it live up to that potential, a new report suggests.


Small cogs drive a big machine

University scientists are the backbone of particle physics; like cogs in a complex machine, they deliver expertise, funding, and equipment exactly where needed. At Vanderbilt, they’re developing ways to handle a flood of data from the Large Hadron Collider.


Neutrino invention

Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a neutral, light-weight particle that could save the fundamental law of the conservation of energy.


Traveling detector

For million-dollar components that travel thousands of miles to become part of a particle detector, the most perilous part of the trip might be airport security.


Toward an international linear collider

Higgs Boson. Dark Matter. Dark Energy. Extra Dimensions. These are all buzz words that will make the heart of any particle physics enthusiast flutter.


Universal accord

Take one part unidentified goop. Add three parts mysterious energy. Throw in a dash of ordinary atoms. Mix. Compress. Explode. Let expand for 13.7 billion years.


Dark matter

Dark matter seems to be abundant in the universe but has yet to be directly detected.