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Cultured couple

Working at the same place in similar fields, Michael S. Smith and Chang-Hong Yu enjoy a situation not too unusual among married couples. Not so ordinary is their line of work.


Small cogs drive a big machine

University scientists are the backbone of particle physics; like cogs in a complex machine, they deliver expertise, funding, and equipment exactly where needed. At Vanderbilt, they’re developing ways to handle a flood of data from the Large Hadron Collider.


The hottest citation

The article at the top of the spires lists of the most-cited articles in high-energy physics is, as always, the Review of Particle Physics (RPP), a compendium of experimental data and reviews put out by the Particle Data Group.


Neutrino invention

Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a neutral, light-weight particle that could save the fundamental law of the conservation of energy.


Name of fame

Counting the number of citations of a particular paper is one way to measure its impact and importance. But it is by no means the only gauge.


Toward an international linear collider

Higgs Boson. Dark Matter. Dark Energy. Extra Dimensions. These are all buzz words that will make the heart of any particle physics enthusiast flutter.


KATRIN’s odyssey

People went to great lengths, traveling almost 9000 kilometers over more than 60 days, to deliver an essential, 200-ton component of the KATRIN neutrino experiment.


Star Wars lands at Fermilab

Fermilab physicist Darren Crawford shares a birthdate, May 25, with the first Star Wars movie release. Now he is making his own mark on the fabled sci-fi fantasy series.