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You wanted what?

Sometimes even the language of mathematics isn't universal. This realization came during March at the German lab DESY where a party was thrown by the Asian ECal team in thanks for the use of the DESY Calorimeter Group's test beam.


Ben Laposky: Visual music

A boxy cathode-ray oscilloscope, covered with buttons and knobs and meters and lights, looks like something you know you shouldn'’t touch.


Walkway to heaven

The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design in Beijing, symbolizes the relationship between Earth and heaven—human society and the universe—which stands at the heart of Chinese cosmology.


Neutrino invention

Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a neutral, light-weight particle that could save the fundamental law of the conservation of energy.


Toward an international linear collider

Higgs Boson. Dark Matter. Dark Energy. Extra Dimensions. These are all buzz words that will make the heart of any particle physics enthusiast flutter.


Star Wars lands at Fermilab

Fermilab physicist Darren Crawford shares a birthdate, May 25, with the first Star Wars movie release. Now he is making his own mark on the fabled sci-fi fantasy series.


Universal accord

Take one part unidentified goop. Add three parts mysterious energy. Throw in a dash of ordinary atoms. Mix. Compress. Explode. Let expand for 13.7 billion years.


Dark matter

Dark matter seems to be abundant in the universe but has yet to be directly detected.