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Cultured couple

Working at the same place in similar fields, Michael S. Smith and Chang-Hong Yu enjoy a situation not too unusual among married couples. Not so ordinary is their line of work.


Life service

Somebody who's racked up thousands of hours of community service has either been very bad or very good. SLAC carpenter Michael Hughes has been very, very good.


Ben Laposky: Visual music

A boxy cathode-ray oscilloscope, covered with buttons and knobs and meters and lights, looks like something you know you shouldn'’t touch.


The hottest citation

The article at the top of the spires lists of the most-cited articles in high-energy physics is, as always, the Review of Particle Physics (RPP), a compendium of experimental data and reviews put out by the Particle Data Group.


You wanted what?

Sometimes even the language of mathematics isn't universal. This realization came during March at the German lab DESY where a party was thrown by the Asian ECal team in thanks for the use of the DESY Calorimeter Group's test beam.


Walkway to heaven

The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design in Beijing, symbolizes the relationship between Earth and heaven—human society and the universe—which stands at the heart of Chinese cosmology.



A positron is the electron’s antimatter counterpart.


Slippery science

Why is ice slippery? Alain Haché has two kinds of first-hand knowledge. A veteran amateur hockey goalie, he learned to skate outdoors on frozen ponds.