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Donors big dream

Drawn by the chance to help answer the most fundamental questions about the universe, philanthropists are starting to make significant investments in physics research.


A lab away from home

It's a stretch: In search of new skills, particle physicists spend months or years at labs far from home, absorbing culture along with science.



Asked to design a lab and office complex, students found inspiration in particle collisions, gushers of data, and the shifty habits of neutrinos.


Dark energy

Dark energy, the weirdest and most abundant stuff in the universe, is causing the expansion of the universe to speed up.


Professor Prairie

Particles and prairie. For many people, these words are synonymous with Fermilab.


First users’ meeting

In 1967, 400 enthusiastic scientists met at Argonne National Laboratory to discuss plans to build a new 200 GeV accelerator and a national laboratory to house it.


Industry eyes the next big collider

With a blue marker poised at a large white flip chart, Maury Tigner, a physicist at Cornell University, turned to a group of about 10 representatives from industry and asked, “What kind of applications interest your company?” The room was cramped and beige, a generic hotel meeting spa