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Theories describe scientists’ understanding of observed phenomena.


Computing center in a box

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center's newest computing center arrived in a standard 20-foot-long shipping container.


The art of the unseen

As technology evolves, posters are getting easier to produce and pass around. But it still takes skill and imagination to illustrate the abstract ideas of physics.


BaBar is a video star

Search for “BaBar” on, and you'll get a long list of links to a 1980s TV series based on an animated elephant. But a surprise is hidden among the cartoons—a six-minute film shot in the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center's BaBar control room.



Atomic element 94 was named “plutonium” after Pluto, the ninth planet from the Sun (now demoted to “minor planet” status.) By tradition, plutonium should have been assigned the symbol “Pl,” but co-discoverer Glenn Seaborg gave it the symbol “Pu” as


Dark energy

Dark energy, the weirdest and most abundant stuff in the universe, is causing the expansion of the universe to speed up.


The particle physics life list

Bird watchers have "life lists" of species they hope to see in their lifetimes. Why shouldn'’t particle physics fans do the same? With that in mind, in our April issue we asked readers to help us put together the first particle physics life list.