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Japan defers ILC decision

In their latest meeting with scientists, the Japanese government declined to stake a claim to hosting the ILC.


LHC startup

On September 10, 2008, scientists at the European laboratory CERN attempted for the first time to send a beam of particles around a new particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider.


Home sweet barn

Lifted out of a travel carrier, the owl screeched and bit its handler's leather glove. The bird was returning to its historic home—and helping to save its species.


Sloan Survey shares starry snapshots

In the old days, astronomers who wanted to use a powerful telescope had to buy plane tickets and cross their fingers the weather would cooperate.


Street-corner physics

Leon Lederman, a 1988 Nobel laureate and Fermilab physicist, plopped a folding table and two chairs on a busy New York City street corner and sat under colorful hand-scrawled signs offering to answer physics questions.


Boosting a collider one comic at a time

Comiket—short for Comic Market—is the world's largest comic convention. Held in Tokyo, it draws more than half a million people from all over the world to buy and selldoujinshi—self-published manga and graphic novels.


BaBar and the very tiny particle

In which the 500 members of the BaBar experiment buy enough time for one last adventure: capturing the bottom-most bottomonium


A special recognition

On Sept. 10, scientists at the European laboratory CERN sent the first beam of protons around the Large Hadron Collider.


The dark universe debate

Who will be the first to prove the existence of dark matter and dark energy? A particle physicist and an astrophysicist go head to head.