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Where old physics stuff goes to live

The Fermilab boneyard is no burial ground; it’s a place where unwanted parts find new homes and lives. They’re matched with scientists who can put them to good use, donated to local schools and parks, or sold for recycling.


Q&A With eta sub b

symmetry’s Calla Cofield scored an exclusive interview with the particle -- …the ground state… -- the artist -- eta sub b, who signs his name ηb.


Home sweet barn

Lifted out of a travel carrier, the owl screeched and bit its handler's leather glove. The bird was returning to its historic home—and helping to save its species.


Sloan Survey shares starry snapshots

In the old days, astronomers who wanted to use a powerful telescope had to buy plane tickets and cross their fingers the weather would cooperate.


Contraterrene matter

As the winter of 1941 began, Jack Williamson sat in a small unpainted cabin he had built on his family’s New Mexico ranch, pounding out a story on a secondhand Remington portable typewriter.


Antimatter's science fiction debut

Fermilab radiation safety physicist William S. Higgins explains how the concept of antimatter first made its way into science fiction.