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Sloan Survey shares starry snapshots

In the old days, astronomers who wanted to use a powerful telescope had to buy plane tickets and cross their fingers the weather would cooperate.


Street-corner physics

Leon Lederman, a 1988 Nobel laureate and Fermilab physicist, plopped a folding table and two chairs on a busy New York City street corner and sat under colorful hand-scrawled signs offering to answer physics questions.


BaBar and the very tiny particle

In which the 500 members of the BaBar experiment buy enough time for one last adventure: capturing the bottom-most bottomonium


Boosting a collider one comic at a time

Comiket—short for Comic Market—is the world's largest comic convention. Held in Tokyo, it draws more than half a million people from all over the world to buy and selldoujinshi—self-published manga and graphic novels.


Contraterrene matter

As the winter of 1941 began, Jack Williamson sat in a small unpainted cabin he had built on his family’s New Mexico ranch, pounding out a story on a secondhand Remington portable typewriter.


Neutrino masses

Neutrino masses are extremely difficult to measure. While we know precisely how much an electron weighs, we have little information on the mass of its neutral partner, the electron neutrino. The same is true of the muon neutrino and tau neutrino.


Ping-pong roast

At a recent symposium honoring former Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Director Jonathan Dorfan, dinner guests were treated to a course of the unexpected.


Life at the LHC reaches fever pitch

As the big collider ramps up, four physicists talk about working late, finding time to play, and staying connected to family and friends.