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Takuya Uruno: Kasoku Kids

In Japanese, Takuya Uruno’s first name means "pioneer." In his 25-year career as a professional Manga artist, Uruno has been steadfast in living up to the title.


Hitoshi Murayama: The Emperor's Tea

When I assumed the position of director of the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), my smart-mouthed friends joked that I became the Director of the Universe.


He stalks rare prey for its own good

Tom Peterson loves hunting season. He spends his lunch hours scouting the best spots, and weekends lurking around the edges of Fermilab's ponds and moving as silently as he can through old fields.


Pierre Auger Observatory

In 1991, James Cronin travelled to Leeds, England, to visit Alan Watson, an expert on cosmic-ray physics. Cronin, a Nobel Prize winner in physics who had worked on accelerator-based particle physics experiments, wanted to discuss ideas for cosmic-ray projects.


Helium's shrinking bubble

Helium is the lifeblood of large particle accelerators. As the world’s supply dwindles, the particle physics community must take steps to preserve this precious commodity or learn to live without it.


Virtual particles

Virtual particles’ existence is fleeting, but their effects are real.


Accidental beauties

These exquisite test samples transcend their original purpose—ensuring all the metal parts of SLAC accelerators and detectors are flawless.