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Neutrino oscillation

In June 1998, Takaaki Kajita of the University of Tokyo presented strong evidence that neutrinos behave differently than predicted by the Standard Model of particles: The three known types of neutrinos apparently transform into each other, a phenomenon known as oscillation.


World's deepest lab proposed in China

Chinese scientists have carved out a space in the heart of a mountain where a search for dark matter will soon begin. It's just the first taste of what they hope to do there: Create the world's largest, deepest underground laboratory.


Soudan Lab

Just before 7:30 on a bitter-cold morning in northern Minnesota, engineer Jim Beaty begins the last leg of his daily commute. He steps into a dark brown metal box with five coworkers. Someone slides the door closed.


DUSEL: Big plans for deep science

When the Homestake mine closed in 2003 after producing 42 million ounces of gold, it left a colorful gold rush history, tall steel headframes looming over a town of 3000 people, and an enormous hole in the ground: North America's largest and deepest underground mine.


EXO takes clean to an extreme

Some particle physics experiments require an extraordinary degree of cleanliness and quiet. How far will they go to achieve this?