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Europe’s path forward

Physicists meet this week in Granada, Spain, to update the European Strategy for Particle Physics.


High schoolers catch some (cosmic) rays

Ben Nachman and several friends climbed out on the roof of Westside High School in Omaha, Nebraska, hauling a tangle of wires and what resembled a car-top luggage carrier. The high school juniors weren't pulling some elaborate prank.


Around the world in eight goofy minutes

Many a college student has built a room around a sturdy coffee table made from a cast-off wooden cable spool. But when two University of Wisconsin graduate students went to the South Pole they found spools put to a different use: as chariot wheels


Neutrino oscillation

In June 1998, Takaaki Kajita of the University of Tokyo presented strong evidence that neutrinos behave differently than predicted by the Standard Model of particles: The three known types of neutrinos apparently transform into each other, a phenomenon known as oscillation.


Gran Sasso: A tale of physics in the mountains

In an epic story of fairy-tale beauty and world-leading science, human courage and determination confront adversity and Gran Sasso laboratory comes forth to see the stars once more.


Bringing dark life to light

The stunning realization that up to half of life on Earth may exist underground has transformed biologists’ thinking about the origin and evolution of life here and on other planets. The search for "dark life" could go to new depths at a proposed underground laboratory.