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Europe’s path forward

Physicists meet this week in Granada, Spain, to update the European Strategy for Particle Physics.


Are we there yet?

With the Large Hadron Collider up and running, expectations are high: Shouldn't discoveries start pouring in? These things don't happen overnight. We trace the long, careful path from intriguing data to official discovery.


A field where jobs go begging

With a growing demand for particle accelerators in science, medicine, and industry, accelerator science is in desperate need of skilled specialists.


Ancient winds blow anew at IceCube

Scientists studying global warming hope to use dust buried in Antarctic ice formations to determine how fast the winds blew as many as 90,000 years ago.


Neutrino oscillation

In June 1998, Takaaki Kajita of the University of Tokyo presented strong evidence that neutrinos behave differently than predicted by the Standard Model of particles: The three known types of neutrinos apparently transform into each other, a phenomenon known as oscillation.


Soudan Lab

Just before 7:30 on a bitter-cold morning in northern Minnesota, engineer Jim Beaty begins the last leg of his daily commute. He steps into a dark brown metal box with five coworkers. Someone slides the door closed.