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Community + laboratory

Fermilab has joined up with local residents to think about the best ways for the lab to serve not only science, but also the surrounding area.


Charles Jencks: The Garden of Cosmic Speculation

It all started with a swimming hole. In 1988, Maggie Keswick, the wife of noted architect and designer Charles Jencks, had a swamp dug up on her family’s Scottish estate to create a place for their children to swim.


Peter Kasper: In a birder's paradise

For birders, it all comes down to that moment. Focus your binoculars, steady your hands, and look, hard, until you find that glimpse of feathers, a spark of recognition. “Do you see it?”


When muons collide

A new type of particle collider known as a muon collider considered a wild idea a decade ago is winning over skeptics as scientists find solutions to the machine's many technological challenges.


To catch a supernova

Some exploding stars release bursts of oddball neutrinos. Scientists with the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment are eager to catch those neutrinos and milk them for discoveries.


Family ties run deep

Mark Hanhardt spent his childhood exploring caverns and watching his dad, who was a miner, come home from work covered in dust. Still, he had no interest in working underground.


Back-of-the-banana physics

Physicists have a reputation—self-made or otherwise—for discussing physics on any available surface.