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The cosmic-ray riddle

Data from the world’s most powerful particle colliders should shed light on a 100-year-old astrophysics mystery, but even they cannot explain the perplexing properties of the universe’s most energetic particles. Are ultra-high-energy cosmic rays heavier than expected?


The brain behind TV's The Big Bang Theory

For those who live, breathe and laugh physics, one show entangles them all: The Big Bang Theory. To make the show's jokes timely and accurate, while sprinkling the sets with authentic scientific plots and posters, the show's writers depend on one physicist, David Saltzberg.


W precision measurement

The W boson mass is one of the fundamental ingredients that scientists use to calculate particle physics properties, such as the most likely mass of the soughtafter Higgs particle.


The Tevatron's proud legacy

Just after 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 30, Fermilab accelerator pioneer Helen Edwards prepared to stop the circulation of subatomic particles in the Tevatron collider for the last time. She was a fitting choice; Edwards and her husband, Don, had led the Tevatron start-up nearly three decades earlier.


A brainy look at dark matter

Have you ever sat in an open field at night, looked up at the vast number of stars and thought, “I bet an artificial brain would come in handy for making sense of all this”? You might if you were planning the best way for NASA to map the sky.


Kate Findlay: Collider quilts

A 2008 newspaper article about the Large Hadron Collider inspired Kate Findlay to start a years-long quilting project.


A stamp of her own

Maria Goeppert Mayer left an indelible stamp on the history of physics. Now the US Postal Service has honored the nuclear physicist with a stamp of her own.