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FACET's accelerator revolution

A new test bed for accelerator technology has thrown open its doors, with the goals of making particle accelerators smaller, cheaper and more efficient—and of expanding their role in society.



Sigma is a unit that describes how much a set of experimental data deviates from what’s expected.


Standard candle

Your birthday cake isn’t the only thing studded with lights. 


Through a muon’s eyes

The muon—the short-lived cousin of the electron—could be the key to understanding relationships between other fundamental particles. And it holds a mystery all its own.


Theater amongst neutrinos

In Gran Sasso National Laboratory’s cavernous Hall B, beneath 1400 meters of rock, amongst huge detectors of neutrinos and dark matter, Italian actor Marco Paolini spoke. And more than one million people listened—and watched.


Shmoos of the Tevatron

Particles like the top quark weren’t the only characters to appear at Fermilab’s Tevatron. A physicist waxes nostalgic as scientists prepare to celebrate the accelerator’s contributions to science, technology and society at a symposium this month.


The muon

Meet the Twinkie of particle physics: the muon.