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Face of Fermilab

Former biology teacher Felicia Svoboda shows Fermilab visitors the ins and outs of doing science.


The cherry pie collider

What’s the next step in particle colliders? Symmetry takes a trip into the kitchen pantry to find out.


The top 40 physics hits of 2012

The Higgs boson is a popular subject among the most-cited physics papers of 2012, but a particle simulation manual takes the top spot.


The Fellowship of the Ring

The Muon g-2 experiment kicks off this summer with the move of a 50-foot-wide ring-shaped cryostat from New York to Illinois.


A knack for exploring

With a solid grounding in physics, Thomas Humphrey shares the fun of discovery at San Francisco’s Exploratorium.


Free from the start

Since CERN released the World Wide Web without royalties 20 years ago, the technology has flourished.


Plasma acceleration

Like surfers on huge ocean waves, electrons can ride waves of plasma to very high energies.