07/16/20 CERN CERN visits your home Take part in interactive virtual lectures and discover the world of particles and the scientists exploring it.
07/15/20 Quanta Spotting quantum black holes in the lab Can we test speculations about how quantum physics affects black holes and the Big Bang?
07/13/20 More than 3000 scientists gather online for Neutrino 2020 A dash of virtual reality helps replicate the serendipitous interactions of an in-person conference when participants are scattered across the globe.
07/10/20 Ars Technica CERN has discovered a very charming particle Two charm quarks, two anti-charms make for a massive tetraquark.
How do scientists get lead into the LHC? 01/28/25 Sarah Charley Once a year, the Large Hadron Collider smashes lead ions. But how do scientists get a heavy metal into a particle accelerator?
09/25/13 Adler Planetarium throws ‘Particle Party’ Fermilab physicists and educators mingled with young adult science enthusiasts at Adler After Dark.
09/25/13 More than a game Astrophysicists find a new use for the video cards that give computer games that movie quality: crunching scientific data.
09/24/13 The great physics quest In their search for fundamental truths, particle physicists have a lot in common with explorers everywhere.
09/23/13 Artists challenged to depict physics Through the “Collision” contest, 22 artists and scientists pushed themselves into new territory, portraying the concept of “new physics” through art.
09/13/13 The hunt for microscopic black holes Finding micro black holes at the LHC would alert scientists to the existence of extra dimensions, which might explain why gravity seems so weak.
09/06/13 Famous Higgs analogy, illustrated A Fermilab physicist and TED artists have created a short animation about the most famous description of the Higgs field.
08/29/13 ILC ink A summer intern at Jefferson Laboratory is excited about the proposed International Linear Collider—and he’s got the tattoo to prove it.