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The scale of things

Geoffrey West applies his ‘physics way of thinking’ to biology and urban life.


Baryonic acoustic oscillations

Scientists have found a way to study sound waves from the early universe to learn more about its history and contents. 


The early universe

How is it possible to look at the earliest moments of the universe? Physicists have their ways—and what they find out will tell us a lot about how the universe works today and how it will unfold in the future.


What’s in a name?

There’s wit and whimsy in the naming of a national lab’s conference rooms.


Mock data, real science

In scientific circles, “mock” is not always a four-letter word. Through mock-data competitions, astrophysicists check their work.


Building NOvA

Building particle detector parts for a new neutrino experiment gives students an edge in the post-graduation job hunt.