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Walkway to heaven

The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design in Beijing, symbolizes the relationship between Earth and heaven—human society and the universe—which stands at the heart of Chinese cosmology.


Ben Laposky: Visual music

A boxy cathode-ray oscilloscope, covered with buttons and knobs and meters and lights, looks like something you know you shouldn'’t touch.


Slippery science

Why is ice slippery? Alain Haché has two kinds of first-hand knowledge. A veteran amateur hockey goalie, he learned to skate outdoors on frozen ponds.


Neutrino invention

Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a neutral, light-weight particle that could save the fundamental law of the conservation of energy.


Expert “hackers” challenge students

Tim Rupp and Joe Klemencic, two of Fermilab’s computer security wizards, posed as the bad guys to offer a challenge in the Indiana state-wide college cyber defense competition held at Indiana Tech.


Accelerator at the fair

Science fair season is here, so we at symmetry were not surprised when 12-year-old Austin Ellsworth of Spring, Texas, called with a few questions about his science fair project.


Traveling detector

For million-dollar components that travel thousands of miles to become part of a particle detector, the most perilous part of the trip might be airport security.