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Virtual cake

Celebrating anniversaries of global organizations presents unique challenges and asks for creative solutions.


Tau lepton

The discovery of an elementary particle that looked a lot like the electron, but had 3500 times its mass stunned most particle physicists three decades ago.


Extreme neutrinos

Searching for the secrets of the universe in the depths of the earth.


Seismic metal shoes

After waiting more than a year for safety and maintenance arrangements, sculptor Douglas Abdell's Kryeti-Aekyad set foot outside the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center's main auditorium on August 6.



Antimatter is matter’s natural counterpart.


Families of the world

Scientists and their families are finding they must adapt to the increasingly international nature of particle physics. The effects on family life go far beyond jet lag and it's up to individuals to navigate the foreign terrain.


Cigarette Lighter

Some might think it strange that data taken from the Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment, a kilometer-wide neutrino detection system buried in South Pole ice sheets, is analyzed with the help of a cigarette lighter.



Gammasphere is a $20 million detector array that helps answer fundamental questions about the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei.