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At LIGO, three’s a trend

The third detection of gravitational waves from merging black holes provides a new test of the theory of general relativity.


Collider detector

To understand the subatomic processes unfolding at the center of powerful particle collisions, scientists design and build huge, massive detectors.


Spectrum of discovery

The future of Stanford Linear Accelerator Center involves a broadening from traditional particle physics experiments to research from subatomic to cosmological scales.


Einsteins at Stanford Community Day

When was the last time you met three Einsteins? Masa Hokari and his son Harumi had this opportunity during Stanford University's Community Day, held in April.


City-states of science

Tomorrow's particle physics experiments are redrawing the map for scientific collaboration. Although the field has long been accustomed to large groups of scientists, life in the new CERN collaborations will surely be different.


Dance, physics and energy

Robert Wilson, the first director of Fermilab, was both scientist and artist. There are many anecdotes about his interest in and promotion of art at Fermilab. Over many years I have observed that physical scientists often have a deep interest in the arts.


Extra dimensions

In 1998, theorists Lisa Randall and Raman Sundrum met in a coffee shop in Boston to discuss how extra dimensions of space would change the predictions of particle theories.


Solar neutrinos

Deep in the Homestake Gold Mine in Lead, South Dakota, during the early 1970s, Ray Davis monitored a 100,000-gallon tank of perchloroethylene, a chlorine-rich dry-cleaning chemical.


Springtime at Daresbury

How a quiet, unassuming laboratory in the northwest of England transformed itself into a powerhouse of accelerator physics and technology.