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Postcards from the terascale

In February, the Department of Energy's Office of Science and the National Science Foundation asked the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel "to form a committee to write a document" that addresses the synergies and complementarities of the Large Hadron Collider, now under constructi


Researching the ILC

Research papers are traditionally written about data gathered in an experiment. However, research papers are also published before an experiment has even begun, and the International Linear Collider is an example.


Debbie Harris: Balancing it all

Whether climbing trees with her eight-year-old son Isaac, trying to put a dress on her four-year-old daughter Sonia, or running tests on the MINOS neutrino beam line, Debbie Harris is a problem solver and her mind is always busy. "It's really hard to be a parent," she says.


No little plans

In his vision for Fermilab's future, director Pier Oddone offers insight from a bumper sticker: "If you want to predict the future, help create it."


Einsteins at Stanford Community Day

When was the last time you met three Einsteins? Masa Hokari and his son Harumi had this opportunity during Stanford University's Community Day, held in April.


Extra dimensions

Extra dimensions sound like science fiction, but they could be part of the real world.


Collider detector

To understand the subatomic processes unfolding at the center of powerful particle collisions, scientists design and build huge, massive detectors.


Dance, physics and energy

Robert Wilson, the first director of Fermilab, was both scientist and artist. There are many anecdotes about his interest in and promotion of art at Fermilab. Over many years I have observed that physical scientists often have a deep interest in the arts.