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Nobel banners restored at Berkeley Lab

Street banners honoring nine of Berkeley Lab's Nobel Prize winners, originally installed along Telegraph Avenue in 2003, have been mounted on poles on Cyclotron Road leading to Berkeley Lab in honor of its 75th anniversary.


US Congress meets Quantum Universe

Have you ever tossed a ball at a wall, playing a game of one-man catch? As you tossed that ball again and again and again, have you ever thought about the chance that it could go right through the wall? According to quantum mechanics, this is a real possibility.


Battling the clouds

Clouds of electrons could block the view of new discoveries at the proposed ILC, a multi-billion-dollar particle collider. Eliminating those clouds is critical to the prspects for the machine's success.


K2Ks first neutrinos

The neutrino experiment K2K (KEK to Kamioka) collaboration shares a logbook with Super-Kamiokande scientists at its far detector site 250 kilometers from KEK in Tsukuba.


KEK's ambitious future

Japan's high-energy physics laboratory KEK is undergoing a transition as it expands its science program with upgraded and new facilities.


Science meets architecture

A step away from the cars scuttling down the streets of Delhi, precisely arranged on a tame green lawn, is what looks like a giant's playground. Twin cylinders squat at the far end. A pole stands at the center of each, matching the windowed cylinders' radii and heights.