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Happy Webiversary

In 1991, physicists, computer scientists, and a librarian at what is now SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory opened the first website in North America.


The cosmic-ray riddle

Data from the world’s most powerful particle colliders should shed light on a 100-year-old astrophysics mystery, but even they cannot explain the perplexing properties of the universe’s most energetic particles. Are ultra-high-energy cosmic rays heavier than expected?


W precision measurement

The W boson mass is one of the fundamental ingredients that scientists use to calculate particle physics properties, such as the most likely mass of the soughtafter Higgs particle.


Journey to the center of the Earth

Using an antineutrino detector based in Japan, researchers can tell what makes the Earth's interior hot and better understand the planet's workings.


Bulldoggish on science

West of Chicago, the town of Batavia, Ill., has long been dominated by two images: Fermilab and the local high school mascot, the bulldog.