Anyone who read about Fermilab's Mu2e experiment in our June issue knows the complexity of the science behind it. It's one thing to explain the project in a 3000-word feature article -- but in a five-minute talk? That's how long physicist Doug Glinzinski was given to explain the project to Senate staffer Leland Cogliani during a lab tour last week. He did such a good job that he won the Fermilab Jargon-Free Plain-English Tour Guide Competition, and a special prize from lab Director Pier Oddone: a bottle of 2003 Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel from the Oddone Vineyard in California.
It was the first time Fermilab put on such a contest, and it worked so well, lab insiders say, that it may not be the last.
Onward to a Jargon-Free Tomorrow!